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 +===== Oldies Collection List =====
 +This in an enumeration of websites that contain a lot of "legacy" chess programs.
 +=== Alphabetical Index ===
 +  * **[[ | Abandonware DOS - Chess]]**
 +  * **[[ | Adam´s Computer Chess Pages]]**
 +  * **[[ | Atari Emulator - Video Chess]]**
 +  * **[[ | Bluebush Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Complete Chess System MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Computerschach - Herbert Marquardt´s website (German)]]**
 +  * **[[ | CyberChess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Cyrus MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | D-Fend Reloaded Frontend for DOSBox]]** - **[[ | SourceForge]]**
 +  * **[[ | DOSBox Open Source DOS Emulator]]** - **[[ | SourceForge]]**
 +  * **[[ | DOS Games Archive]]**
 +  * **[[ | Ed Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Free Chess Downloads - Ed Schröder´s survey]]**
 +  * **[[ | Fidelity Chessmaster 2100 MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Grandmaster Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Informer Technologies Inc]]**
 +  * **[[ | Laser Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Michael Jeschke´s site about compiling Crafty with gcc under Windows]]**
 +  * **[[ | Museum of Chess Programs]]**
 +  * **[[ | Old Games]]** - San Pedro Software Inc
 +  * **[[ | Oracle VirtualBox]]** - **[[ | MediaFire]]** - **[[ | YouTube]]**
 +  * **[[ | Packages Solaris / SPARC - GNU Chess]]**
 +  * **[[ | PH-download - website from Czech Republic]]**
 +  * **[[ | Sargon 5 - World Class Chess MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | Schachecke Chessby Andreas Königs]]**
 +  * **[[ | SuperMicro FIDE ZX81-1K]]** - **[[ | EightyOne Sinclair Emulator]]**
 +  * **[[ | Terminator 2 - Judgement Day - Chess Wars MS-DOS]]**
 +  * **[[ | University of Pittsburgh Chess Club]]**
 +  * **[[ | Zarkon Fischer´s Free Chess Programs]]**

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