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Update Information: February 8, 2016 (Updates)

by Ron @, Monday, February 08, 2016, 21:23

Engine Updates

Bumblebee 1.0 (UCI)
new engine by Shawn Chidester (Bitfoot, Clubfoot & Clunk)
Linux64, Win64
- although this engine is on github, no source code is available!

Rodin 8.0 (XB)
Android, ARM, Win32?; also supports UCI, but plays weakly using it
- "> 40 Elo stronger than 7.0"

Chess News

calculates relative ratings based on game results
- new features have been added

Chess Programming Blogs


Updated Wiki Pages

Linux Engine List
update by Norbert Raimund Leisner

Bonus Notifications (recent releases of free stuff)

- do not install unwanted toolbars, etc.
- alpha releases have new features; crashes and bugs are to be expected
- beta releases have new features; they may contain bugs or crash
- release candidate software may contain minor bugs; crashes are rare

NOTE: I had an argument with Microsoft. They thought they owned my computer, I thought I did. Microsoft won by cheating, they clobbered my sys admin settings. All future updates of Windows-only software will no longer be listed here.

AdBlock 2.49
Google Chrome extension to block ads, thereby preventing malware infections
- not related to AdBlocck Plus

Curl 7.47.1
cross-platform, open-source tool & library to access URLs using all major protocols

Firefox 44.0.1
popular, free, open source browser (homepage)

Git 2.7.1
cross-platform, distributed version control system that is free and open source

ImageMagick 6.9.3-3
cross-platform, open-source program to manipulate images
- create, edit, compose, or convert images files (200+ formats)
- bmp, png, jpg, gif, tiff, svg, etc.
- resize, flip, mirror, rotate, distort, shear and transform
- adjust image, apply special effects,
- draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses & Bézier curves

Java 8, Update 74
update of Java runtime environment and development kit (JRE or JDK)
- it is important to disable the Java plugin in your browser, or bad things may happen to you!

Jenkins 1.647
cross-platform, open source, continuous integration server for developers
- automates the building/testing process

Korora 23
Fedora-based Linux distro; Cinnamon, GNOME, KDE, MATE & Xfce desktops; #51 in popularity

MySQL Community Server 5.7.11
free (Community Server Edition only!), cross-platform, very popular open source SQL database
- slowly losing popularity to MariaDB, a work-alike, drop-in competitor with more features (download)

Pale Moon 26.0.3
open source, efficiency-optimized build of Firefox source code for Windows or Linux
- 32 & 64-bit versions available

PC-BSD 11.0 2016-02-07
x64-only, BSD-based Linux distro; KDE (default), Awesome, Cinnamon, Fluxbox, FVWM, GNOME, i3, IceWM, LXDE, MATE, Openbox, WMaker & Xfce desktops; #49 in popularity
- monthly release

Puppy Linux -- Fatdog64 702 Final
Puppy is a popular (#15) and easy-to-learn, easy-to-use Linux distribution
Open source, boots from a CD (your Windows installation is unchanged) w/ simple instruction manual
old, slow computers run very well using Puppy's all-in-memory Linux kernel
There are many versions of Puppy available, each with a specific purpose
You don't necessarily use the latest release, you use the version with the software you want
You will need to know how to burn a disk from an ISO image
- Fatdog64 is a 64-bit Puppy distro; it is larger and more complete than most other Puppys
- Precise Puppy is binary-compatible with Ubuntu LTS
- Wary Puppy is intended to run on older hardware
- Racy Puppy is a mod of Wary Puppy, supporting the newest machines
- Slacko Puppy can use Puppy, Slackware, Salix, or Slacky software repositories; Slacko seems to be the flagship version
- Quirky Puppy is built from Wary and Racy and is very experimental
- Tahrpup is built from Ubuntu Trusty Tahr
- Quirky is built from Ubuntu and is intended for full installs
- Puppy is based on Slackware; available in 32- and 64-bit (news) (PuppyLinux homepage) (release notes) (Fatdog64 homepage)

Q4OS 1.4.7
Linux distro based on Debian (Stable); Trinity desktop; #34 in popularity

Scientific 7.2
Linux distro based on Red Hat Enterprise; choice of GNOME, IceWM, KDE desktops; #64 in popularity

Tor Browser 5.5.1
cross-platform browser that provides some Internet anonymity for the user
- best privacy is achieved using it under Tails operating system

Vala/Genie 0.31.1 Beta
object-oriented system programming language that runs at the speed of C/C++
Vala syntax resembles C# and Genie syntax resembles Python
the common language compiler outputs OO C code using the GObject library
not yet at version 1.0, but some large apps are written in Vala/Genie (Vala info) (Genie info)

VLC Media Player 2.2.2
open source, cross-platform multimedia player (audio/video); recommended

Wine 1.8.1 Stable
Wine 1.9.2 Development
compatibility layer capable of running Windows applications on several POSIX-compliant operating systems
- runs on Linux, Mac OSX, BSD, some others

Meaning of Colors

Red = New or Warning
Green = Updated
Gray = Info Only

Engine List:
Chess News:

NOTE: If you want me to track a website for you, please email me and I will add it.
ron _at_ computer-chess _dot_ org

NOTE: I will be changing all of my web IP addresses soon. If you access this site by number,
or have strict firewall rules, you may need to update your settings.

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