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computer_chess:tournaments:how_it_works 2011/10/26 16:35 computer_chess:tournaments:how_it_works 2018/04/25 02:29 current
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====== FACE Tournament ====== ====== FACE Tournament ======
-| [[FACE]]  ^ //**How it works**// | [[Conditions]] | [[Participants]] | [[Ratings]] | [[Download]] | [[History]] |+| [[FACE]]  ^ //**How it works**// | [[Conditions]] | [[Ratings]] | [[Download]] | [[History]] |
---- ----
===== How It Works ===== ===== How It Works =====
**Here is why the FACE tournament works the way it does:** **Here is why the FACE tournament works the way it does:**
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**Number of participants** **Number of participants**
-  * each Division has 16 engines  +  * please look at current tournament
-  * 4 RR are played for Division 1 to 8 +
-  * 2 RR are played for Qualify +
**Promoters and Demoters** **Promoters and Demoters**
-  * up to maximum 4 engines each division - minimum is 2 engines  +  * please look at current tournament 
**Joker entries**  **Joker entries** 
-  * when edition is already started new engines also can be set as a joker in a fitting division+  * when an edition is already started new engines also can be set in a fitting division as joker entries
**Which GUI is used?** **Which GUI is used?**
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**Do derivates or clones take part?** **Do derivates or clones take part?**
-  * dicision about is made by tournament-master          +  * decision is made by tournament-master         

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