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====== Kitteneitor ====== ====== Kitteneitor ======
-Kitteneitor is a simple Winboard chess engine written in C by Emilio Díaz.+Kitteneitor is an  modest Winboard open source chess engine written in C by Emilio Díaz.
It plays on fics server under the same name, usually rated 1900-2000 (fairly weak for a chess engine, so low rated players can have some fun playing against it). It plays on fics server under the same name, usually rated 1900-2000 (fairly weak for a chess engine, so low rated players can have some fun playing against it).
-Its last games can be consulted ad last online games can be consulted ad 
 +In this list Kitteneitor 0.12.1 is ranked 358 with 1588 elo. 
===== Downloads ===== ===== Downloads =====
-[[ | Kitteneitor 0.18.1]] for Windows 32/64\\ +{{ | Kitteneitor 0.18.1}} for Windows 32/64\\ 
-code repository: repository:

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