====== Computer-Chess Wiki ====== **Note: Only some of these links lead to any information. It is a blueprint for the future.** * General Information * [[computer_chess:wiki:chess_protocols | Understanding Chess Engine Protocols]] * [[computer_chess:wiki:lists:gui_protocol_support_list | Protocol Support List (for all chess GUIs)]] * [[computer_chess:wiki:tournaments | How to Run a Chess Tournament]] * Chess GUIs * [[Arena | Arena]] * [[Winboard | Winboard]] * [[Commercial_Chess_GUIs | Commercial and Shareware Chess GUIs]] * Chess Utility Software * [[Tournament_Software | Tournament Software]] * [[Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous]] * Opening Book and Database * [[Opening_Book_Software | Opening Book and Database]] * [[Opening_Book_Conversion | Conversion Software]] * [[Opening_Book_Filtering | Filtering Software]] * [[Endgame | Endgame]]